Don’t be so busy “being in the world for God that you fail to be in God for the world.” -R. Mulholland Jr.
This quote really struck me. Sometimes in ministry we can get caught up on all the things there are to do. Sometimes we give so much attention to what we are doing for Christ that we fail to give Him any real attention at all.
I know that this is a battle for us as we step back in to serve God here in Thailand.
I find that it is easier to busy myself with a to do list of things to
accomplish rather than taking the time to invest into God. As I was reading
Mulholland’s book, The Deeper Journey, this afternoon and reflecting on all of
the important pieces we need to have in place to begin our ministry this term,
I was again reminded about how important it is to have prayer and wisdom from
the Holy Spirit influence our decisions. Especially at these early stages.
It feels like it all depends on us to get everything in order: to find a house, to find a ministry partner, to get ready for the upcoming school year (for both of the boys), and the list goes on and on. But we know that God has gone before us and that through prayer we can see God move and prepare our path in powerful ways.
It feels like it all depends on us to get everything in order: to find a house, to find a ministry partner, to get ready for the upcoming school year (for both of the boys), and the list goes on and on. But we know that God has gone before us and that through prayer we can see God move and prepare our path in powerful ways.
Please join us in praying for God to continue to lead us and guide us with His discernment and wisdom. We are praying God would give us good connections and relationships; that we would find the house God has for us; and that God would prepare the hearts of those He will put in our path.
Please also pray that we would keep our focus on God and that our intimacy with Him would not diminish as we step back into full-time ministry. Pray with us that through being close to Him, we would see the world changed for the glory of His Kingdom.