Next in this series is our friend Joom.
From the time Joom was a teenager, she lived a devout Buddhist life. She followed all the right rules and was always looking for ways to do good deeds. She even became a strict vegetarian, so she would not receive any bad karma for eating any killed animals (since that's a sin in Buddhism). She followed the ways of her family, specifically her Grandmother, in trying to live a pure life. But she felt empty inside, and could never be perfect.
When Joom was 26, she working at a major retail mall in Pattaya, Thailand (about 13 hours away from her home.) As she started to live on her own, she continued to try to live a really good life, according to her precepts. One day, a close friend of hers who she admired like a second mother, invited her to come to church. She kindly declined the invitation three times; but it got her thinking that maybe Christianity could lead her to the happiness and fulfillment she was looking for.
She continued to live without peace in her life and on the fourth time, she finally decided to accept the invitation. At that church, the Holy Spirit moved in her heart and she accepted Christ to be Lord of her life during that first visit.
After she made the decision to become a follower of Jesus, she desired to see God help her in a practical way. She no longer wanted to continue living her same old life, and felt like she needed a change of scenery to help her start afresh. So she prayed that God would open up a door for her to change jobs. And God answered! Shortly after praying she was offered a change and promotion in positions.
Joom currently works as the design manager at our mall in Sakon Nakhon. We met and connected with her because she attends our church in Sakon Nakhon City. She is such an encouragement to us and to all those who interact with her.
She would appreciate your prayers as well:
- Please pray for her as she is the only Christian at her job. She desires that her colleagues and friends would also make a decision to follow Christ. Pray that God would use her in a powerful way at work.
-Also please pray for her family. She is the only Christian in her family. Please pray that God would soften the hearts of her family members. Her school-age nephew is showing an interest in following Jesus. Please pray God would continue to work on his heart.