People Series: Part 4


One Sunday morning, just after the preparatory prayer time before the service, one of the ladies from the church approached Keith about going to pick up some kids from a nearby neighborhood. Keith was busy, preparing his heart for the upcoming service and getting ready to preach the sermon. However, he decided to follow whatever God may be doing and take her to go pick up these kids. 

Although, he decided to trust God and go, that didn't mean that he wasn't a little bit skeptical, 

"Are there going to be any kids when we drive there?"  
"Is this even OK with the parents?"    
"Do the kids actually want to come to church?"    

But he went anyway, and sure enough there were two kids, a brother and sister ages 8 and 10, ready to go to church.

Once he was back at church, the service carried on as usual.    But after the service, the church member again approached Keith and said these kids have decided that they want to follow Jesus.  We thought, "Really?! This seems too good to be true!"

Keith went over the gospel with them to make sure they understood the gospel and what following Christ really means, and then led them in a prayer to accept Christ.   

 The Thai pastor, Prayut, decided to drive them home after church to meet their family as well.   The next week, we asked the him, "How did it go?"  He responded, "Great!  When their grandmother heard, she accepted Christ too!"

These two kids have been attending the Sunday service ever since, they are eager learners and have been going through discipleship books and attending our Tuesday after-school program. 

A couple of weeks ago, we had the amazing opportunity to be a part of their baptism service. Keith was actually able to baptize both of these young, but faithful, followers of Christ. What an amazing blessing it is to see God at work in the lives of His people.  No matter how young or old, rich or poor, powerful or weak, we are all valuable in God's eyes. God is pursuing the lost and we are so grateful to be a part of His work and plan. 

Please pray for Sin and Zack. Pray that God would continue to strengthen them in their relationship with him. They have already experienced some social persecution for their faith, from their teachers and neighbors, pray with us that God would give them the strength to stand firm against the difficulties of being a Christian in a Buddhist nation.