New Season

The rice fields on our drive from Sakon Nakhon to Si Songkhram
We are now settled in to our new home in the northeast and have already become quite active and plugged in to various ministries in this area. Keith is already involved in preaching and teaching in Si Songkhram and at some of the surrounding churches. As an outreach into the communities, he will also be teaching English at the church, and he has been invited to teach English at the local high school once a week. I am teaching children's Sunday school at the church and also will be working to start monthly free health clinics out of the church. Besides this we hope to do many outreaches in the town and surrounding villages, and be involved in evangelism and discipleship of the local believers.

Just this last week, us and some church members went to a community close by and gave free hair cuts. And while people got a hair cut, they were able to hear a gospel message and were able to interact with the believers there.

Our ministry is primarily focused in the town of Si Songkhram, which is about 75 km from our home. (For more information on this area, click here) We typically drive out to that town 3-4 times per week. And as we have said before, we are borrowing a vehicle that will need to be returned during the first part of the new year. At that point we will be without a vehicle for our family to use. 

Having a vehicle is necessary to remain active in ministry in this area. Please prayerfully consider supporting our car fund financially. And thank you to all who have already supported us in this way.

Here is a current picture of our car fund:

*For more specific instructions on how to support us financially please click on the Partner with us  tab above

We are grateful for your support and prayers.  Please continue to pray that doors will be opened, and that we will see many come to Christ here during our time in the Northeast.  Pray that God will direct our steps, and that we may be bold and faithful in His leading.   We are excited for this new season of life.

P.S. Our address has changed! To stay connected, here is our new address:

P.O. Box 28
Sakon Nakhon Post Office
Sakon Nakhon, Thailand 47000