A Week in the Life

We had an opportunity to do a home-stay with a Thai family for five days out in the rural area of the country (called Bua Yai). Our host family was amazing and we felt so welcomed and connected to them right from the start.

Our main objective was to practice speaking Thai (every waking hour of our day) and that objective was most certainly met.

our afternoon snack


However we walked away with so much more than just practicing our Thai. We learned about life, culture, parenting styles, that frogs find Lauren's shoes very cozy, how to make new Thai meals, that certain bugs are actually pretty good (when fried), that God is doing amazing things in “our” community, and that He has an amazing plan for His people in this region.

Cell group meeting and dinner

Practically speaking, during our time with our host family we had the opportunity to visit various members of the community, attend cell group meetings, participate in the Sunday church service and so much more.

It was such a blessing to hear the stories of God's work in their lives. From hearing testimonies of miraculous healings, to seeing God's sovereign provision in their lives, to seeing the fruit of past missionaries' labors in this region, we left feeling so encouraged.


It is clearly evident that God is doing some great work in this community. Please join us in praying for the Thai believers of Bua Yai and those throughout Thailand.